
Advanced Distillation Technologies For Efficient Separations

Course organized by NPT and ISPT

Advanced Distillation Technologies For Efficient Separations

For many separation challenges, advanced distillation technologies based on process intensification offer the best solution, allowing high recovery and high purity products at significantly reduced energy demand. Energy savings are often so large (up to 80%) that no other technology can compete. These advanced distillations can also run largely on green electricity and this will be one of the topics covered. High saving potential in terms of CapEx and OpEx are possible for separation of binary and multi-component mixtures, or reactive separation.


The main topics of this course include:

• Heat Pump Assisted Distillation
• Dividing Wall Column Distillation
• Reactive Distillation

Practical information


20 - 23 January 2025 (4 full days) | 20 - 22 January 2025 - Lectures + work on case study in groups of 4 participants
23 January 2025 - Preparation and presenting of presentation


€ 500 ex VAT for members NPT, associated to ISPT (all 4TU + RUG universities are members of ISPT)
€ 1000 ex VAT for others


ISPT office Amersfoort


Tony Kiss (TU Delft)

Enrollment/More Information:

Source: ISPT

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