Npt procestechnologie

Engineering for a Sustainable World

Summit for Clean Technologies & Brighter Legacy (8-10 Sept. 2025)


Chemical engineering, biotechnology and bioprocessing are the key to providing innovative solutions for food supply, mobility, energy, health and well-being while striving for a sustainable economy. At ECCE 15 & ECAB 8, scientists from industry, universities and research institutions from Europe and beyond will meet in Lisbon to discuss the latest research and industrial applications in all fields of chemistry, process engineering, biotechnology and related fields.

Target audience

The conferences unite chemical and process engineers, biotechnologists, bioprocess experts, chemists, material scientists and related disciplines with a focus on applied research and development.

Call for papers

You are cordially invited to contribute to the scientific programme with a lecture or poster. We look forward to your contributions from research institutions, universities, and industry. New work that is not yet completed, recently started or in the planning stage can also be presented.

Deadline for a paper submission is 14 February 2025.

Before submitting a contribution, please choose the most appropriate from the list of topics.

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