Npt procestechnologie

Fernanda Neira d’Angelo and Xiaohua Li joined NPT board

The KIVI + KNCV section of NPT has two new board members: Fernanda Neira D’Angelo (per 01.07.2024) and Xiaohua Li (per 18.10.2024). 

About Fernanda Neira d’Angelo

Fernanda Neira d’Angelo
Fernanda Neira d’Angelo

Fernanda Neira D’Angelo is a Senior Scientist at TNO and part-time professor at the Chemical Engineering Department at TU/e. Her research focuses on Biorefineries and Circular Feeds Valorization.

She obtained her PhD in 2014 at TU/e on Aqueous Phase Reforming of wet bio-wastes into hydrogen. After a period as a Scientist at BiChem B.V., a start-up company active in the field bio-fuels production from sugarcane bagasse, she returned to TU/e in 2015 as an assistant professor in the group of Sustainable Process Engineering.

Since then, she has led a research line on Circular Feedstocks, looking at bio-waste and CO2-valorization to fuels and chemicals from the fields of process, reactor and catalysis engineering aspects. In the last two years, she has combined her research at TU/e with a role as Innovation Leader on Circular Carbon at HyCC.

Since October 2024, she has embarked on a TNO-TU/e collaboration, from where she will continue her efforts to develop innovative technologies for circular feeds valorization to fuels and chemicals.

About Xiaohua Li

Xiaohua Li
Xiaohua Li

Xiaohua Li works as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the Products and Processes for Biotechnology of the research institute ENTEG at the University of Groningen. Her main research interests include separation technologies for bioproducts, metal extractions, waste recycling and sustainable process design. She also loves teaching and is the co-ordinator of several courses for the bachelor, master and engineering doctorate students at the university.

She is passionate not only about research and teaching but also about organizing impactful events. By joining the NPT board, she aims to strengthen the connections between NPT and its members, fostering a vibrant and collaborative community.

Source: NPT

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